2/28 This week's winning commenter is Brent, who writes the blog "The Silver Screen" Check out his blog here. http://silverscreenmania.blogspot.com/ Brent, let me know which movie you'd like and I'll get it out to you! Comment below if you'd like, or email me, be sure to give me your mailing address.
I'm pleased to announce that Jan is the first winner of the free movie giveaway, for her comment on my Top Ten Heist Movies post! Once she makes her choice, I will update the list below. Jan, please email your mailing address to me at criminalmovies@yahoo.com Thank you to everyone participating so far, we'll announce another winner next week!
I just wanted to give you the details on the contest I announced yesterday on Facebook. Every week until March 6th I will be selecting a random comment from the past week, on the Criminal Movies blog to win a free movie. I'll announce a winner every Monday and you can choose the movie you want sent to you. Of course spam comments do not count and will be deleted. Feel free to comment on this post with questions, but comments made to this post will not count for the contest.
I will update this post with information and also post on the Criminal Movies Facebook page (link on the right) You can comment on any post except this one, as long as the comment is made in the comments section of the blog.
This is just a way to say thanks to everyone who reads Criminal Movies, and I'm hoping you'll have fun with it. The movies were kindly provided by "The Used Book Superstore" You can check them out here:
http://www.usedbooksuperstore.com/ or on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Used-Book-Superstore/137362589608899
If you live near one of their locations, I also have two $5.00 gift certificates, which I'll send to the first two commenters who ask for them.
Each week's winner can pick from the list below (which will also be updated as we go.) If it goes well, I'll do it again, but in any event I hope you have fun and thanks for reading!
The movies available are:
Knockaround Guys
3,000 Miles to Graceland
A History of Violence
Falling Down